Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 2, 2009

Pass the Kool-Aid, Please...

Just saw the Feb. 2009 issue of Practical Photography for the first time. It is produced in the UK but has just made it to my local Border's. They did a cover and 14 pages (!) on off-camera speedlight shooting.

The mag featured lots of shots with diagrams, gear choices, photos by Strobist readers, a few by yours truly and some way cool BMX mountain biking shots by Adam Duckworth.

They even called every last one of you a fanatic, yes they did. The nerve. Just because a few people wear long, white robes at meetups, makes us some kinda cult?

(No worries if the pudding tastes a little funny -- we got a comet to catch, people...)

On US newsstands now, and worth a flip-thru.


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